This week was action packed! I told you last week about our zone baptismal date goal...We hit it, of course! 21 out of 21, right on the dot. 11 of 15 areas contributed to the goal which is also really awesome. We celebrated today by getting together as a zone to play basketball, and the assistants even came over from Lansing. Too much fun!
So we saw some pretty incredible miracles in our area this week. I already told you we found Nikesh again, so that was sweet. On Tuesday we were at MLC so we discussed topics for our zone training coming up this Wednesday. After we got home we went doorknocking at 58 west. We felt inspired to knock building 5 and the second person who opened the door was Ashley. After we exchanged pleasantries she let us in right away. We talked to her and got to know her. We taught her half of the plan of salvation and she was blown away. At some point in the middle of our lesson she told us that the night before she had prayed that God would send someone to talk with her so she could change her life. For the past six months she has contemplated being baptized. She told us practically her life story and how she lost faith with God but knew she needed to get back in touch with Him. It was a powerful lesson and a huge miracle from Heavenly Father from what I think is a result of our goal. We set a baptismal date with her in May and we taught her 3 (almost 4) days in a row. The only obstacle so far is that her grandpa is the pastor of her church and it will be very hard for her to transition to a completely different faith. All prayers would be much appreciated!
We actually didn't talk to many people this week because once we started finding, we got let in for a lesson. We also found this sick couple named Terriana and Tommy. They let us in and we taught them the Restoration. When we asked them what they wanted to get from our meetings, Tommy told us he wanted to learn to say better prayers and Terriana wanted to develop faith in God. She told us she knew little about religion but wanted to have a faith in God. Right from the beginning Terriana looked at the back of the pamphlet we gave her, and she asked, "do you do baptisms?" We were like, "Yeah", and she just got a fat grin on her face. When we showed her a picture of Joseph Smith receiving the priesthood, her face lit up and she was like, "So Joseph Smith received the priesthood authority that was lost after the apostles were killed?" And we were like, "Yeah". Both of them accepted a date. After we explained what the Book of Mormon, Tommy asked, "Where can I get a copy of that book?" and Elder Marley just set one in his lap and was like, "this is your own copy". He was ecstatic. We set a date with them for May as well. Before we left, Terriana said, "Hey! Could you write the day of our baptism on the back of my pamphlet?" and we were like
So there you have it! It should be another good week. I'm feeling excited for zone training. You won't hear from me next week since we need to switch out a P-day for going to the temple. Spring Break has begun for WMU so things will be getting interesting over here. Other cool thing: our investigator Alex went to church in Colorado by himself and really enjoyed it. The gospel principles class was on Adam and Eve which is just what we learned so he added lots of insights to the class. He probably brought up Adam being mighty Michael or the Ancient of Days because that is definitely what got taught at the KUB last week. #MilkbeforeMeat.
Love you all! I am so happy to be a missionary and I love you all. Jesus Christ is so involved in this work, because it is His church. I am far from being perfect consecration, but if we give our all to building the Lord's Kingdom we will find true happiness.
-Elder Schmutz
I forgot my camera. You'll see pictures on FB.
Love you all
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