Monday, March 2, 2015


Hey everyone, it's been a good week! Elder Marley and I are having a lot of fun at WMU already. The work is good and I am so happy to still be here in Kalamazoo!

Alex is doing super well. He's come to church 4 weeks in a row and loves it more and more every time. He told us he feels very comfortable at the branch and is excited for baptism. Sierra also came to church and enjoyed herself. Fast and testimony meeting was powerful as always and in gospel principles we learned about Adam and Eve. It's one of my favorite doctrines to teach as a missionary! We learned in class that mighty Michael was Adam or the ancient of days. Way too deep for gospel principles but our investigators and less-actives loved it! We had break the fast after and everyone had a great time.

We have fallen out of contact with Kirstin. It has been heartbreaking to see someone progress so far and then fall off for whatever reason. My first thought is, "what more could we have done?" but in the end people have agency and I can't change that nor should I want to change that. Just as Sister Voyles (in the district) explains, seeing others use their agency poorly helps us know how God feels about us when we make poor choices. He has a lot of patience for each of us.

Elder Marley is a great companion and I imagine he will spend time at MSU in the future as an assistant. MAYBE he can go AP after this transfer and I'll get to stay her for another transfer! That would be a dream come true. We have already had some cool miracles and I'm excited to keep working hard here. During my time here I've been so focused on the result of our missionary work that I've lost sight of the most important part which is the process of conversion.

Saturday was probably the highlight of this week. In the morning we had breakfast at the Bertolina's with all the members of the branch plus some less-actives and non-member friends. There was a long conversation about the dress illusion and it got pretty heated. Later we got dropped off by our father Long Chen at a place we were going to doorknock. We had him choose a place for us and when we started knocking, the fourth door we knocked on we got let in. We taught Andrew the Plan and he really enjoyed it.

In between key indicator call-ins we went to follow up with some people at an apartment complex and we found Nick again! He was happy to see us and he is looking forward to coming back to church and meeting up.

OK last thing. We set a goal for 21 new baptismal dates thoughout the zone by the end of this week and we're already at 5. I'm excited to update you on it next week! Last last thing: we're probably going to go to the temple again this weekend with Long Chen for him to receive his endowment. WOOP WOOP

Love you all!


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